Module DictVectors


Abstract data type for vector-like data structures with sparse storage. While conceptually AbstractDVecs represent elements of a vector space over a scalar type V, they are indexed by an arbitrary type K (could be non-integers) similar to dictionaries. They support the interface from VectorInterface.jl and are designed to work well for quantum Monte Carlo with lomc! and for matrix-free linear algebra with KrylovKit.

Concrete implementations are available as PDVec, DVec, and InitiatorDVec.

AbstractDVecs have a StochasticStyle which selects the spawning algorithm in FCIQMC. Looking up an element that is not stored in the AbstractDVec should return a zero, and setting a value to zero should remove it from the vector. To iterate over an AbstractDVec, use keys, pairs, or values. When possible, use reduction functions such as sum or mapreduce.


The interface is similar to the AbstractDict interface, but with the changed behaviour as noted above. Implement what would be needed for the AbstractDict interface (pairs, keys, values, setindex!, getindex, delete!, length, empty, empty!) and, in addition:

A default implementation for the VectorInterface.jl interface is provided through the above functions.

See also DictVectors, Interfaces.


Concrete implementations


Dictionary-based vector-like data structure for use with FCIQMC and KrylovKit. While mostly behaving like a Dict, it supports various linear algebra operations such as norm and dot. It has a StochasticStyle that is used to select an appropriate spawning strategy in the FCIQMC algorithm.

See also: AbstractDVec, InitiatorDVec, PDVec.


  • DVec(dict::AbstractDict[; style, capacity]): create a DVec with dict for storage. Note that the data may or may not be copied.

  • DVec(args...[; style, capacity]): args... are passed to the Dict constructor. The Dict is used for storage.

  • DVec{K,V}([; style, capacity]): create an empty DVec{K,V}.

  • DVec(dv::AbstractDVec[; style, capacity]): create a DVec with the same contents as adv. The style is inherited from dv by default.

The default style is selected based on the DVec's valtype (see default_style). If a style is given and the valtype does not match the style's eltype, the values are converted to an appropriate type.

The capacity argument is optional and sets the initial size of the DVec via Base.sizehint!.


julia> dv = DVec(:a => 1)
DVec{Symbol,Int64} with 1 entry, style = IsStochasticInteger{Int64}()
  :a => 1

julia> dv = DVec(:a => 2, :b => 3; style=IsDeterministic())
DVec{Symbol,Float64} with 2 entries, style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()
  :a => 2.0
  :b => 3.0
InitiatorDVec{K,V} <: AbstractDVec{K,V}

Dictionary-based vector-like data structure for use with lomc! and KrylovKit.jl. See AbstractDVec. Functionally identical to DVec, but contains InitiatorValues internally in order to facilitate initiator methods. Initiator methods for controlling the Monte Carlo sign problem were first introduced in J. Chem. Phys. 132, 041103 (2010). How the initiators are handled is controlled by specifying an InitiatorRule with the initiator keyword argument (see below).

See also: AbstractDVec, DVec, PDVec.


  • InitiatorDVec(dict::AbstractDict[; style, initiator, capacity]): create an InitiatorDVec with dict for storage. Note that the data may or may not be copied.

  • InitiatorDVec(args...[; style, initiator, capacity]): args... are passed to the Dict constructor. The Dict is used for storage.

  • InitiatorDVec{K,V}([; style, initiator, capacity]): create an empty InitiatorDVec{K,V}.

  • InitiatorDVec(dv::AbstractDVec[; style, initiator, capacity]): create an InitiatorDVec with the same contents as dv. The style is inherited from dv by default.

Keyword arguments

  • style: A valid StochasticStyle. The default is selected based on the InitiatorDVec's valtype (see default_style). If a style is given and the valtype does not match the style's eltype, the values are converted to an appropriate type.

  • initiator = Initiator(1): A valid InitiatorRule. See Initiator.

  • capacity: Indicative size as Int. Optional. Sets the initial size of the InitiatorDVec via Base.sizehint!.

PDVec{K,V}(; kwargs...)
PDVec(iter; kwargs...)
PDVec(pairs...; kwargs...)

Dictionary-based vector-like data structure for use with FCIQMC and KrylovKit.jl. While mostly behaving like a Dict, it supports various linear algebra operations such as norm and dot, and the interface defined in VectorInterface.

The P in PDVec stands for parallel. PDVecs perform mapreduce, foreach, and various linear algebra operations in a threaded manner. If MPI is available, these operations are automatically distributed as well. As such it is not recommended to iterate over pairs, keys, or values directly unless explicitly performing them on the localpart of the vector.

See also: AbstractDVec, DVec, InitiatorDVec.

Keyword arguments

Extended Help


The vector is split into Threads.nthreads() subdictionaries called segments. Which dictionary a key-value pair is mapped to is determined by the hash of the key. The purpose of this segmentation is to allow parallel processing - functions such as mapreduce, add! or dot (full list below) process each subdictionary on a separate thread.


julia> add = FermiFS2C((1,1,0,0), (0,0,1,1));

julia> op = HubbardMom1D(add; t=4/π^2, u=4);

julia> pv = PDVec(add => 1.0)
1-element PDVec: style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()
  fs"|↑↑↓↓⟩" => 1.0

julia> pv = op * pv
7-element PDVec: style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()
  fs"|↑↓↑↓⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↑↑↓↓⟩" => 4.0
  fs"|↓↑↓↑⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↓↑↑↓⟩" => -1.0
  fs"|⇅⋅⋅⇅⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↑↓↓↑⟩" => -1.0
  fs"|⋅⇅⇅⋅⟩" => 1.0

julia> map!(x -> -x, values(pv)); pv
7-element PDVec: style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()
  fs"|↑↓↑↓⟩" => -1.0
  fs"|↑↑↓↓⟩" => -4.0
  fs"|↓↑↓↑⟩" => -1.0
  fs"|↓↑↑↓⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|⇅⋅⋅⇅⟩" => -1.0
  fs"|↑↓↓↑⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|⋅⇅⇅⋅⟩" => -1.0

julia> dest = similar(pv)
0-element PDVec: style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()

julia> map!(x -> x + 2, dest, values(pv))
7-element PDVec: style = IsDeterministic{Float64}()
  fs"|↑↓↑↓⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↑↑↓↓⟩" => -2.0
  fs"|↓↑↓↑⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↓↑↑↓⟩" => 3.0
  fs"|⇅⋅⋅⇅⟩" => 1.0
  fs"|↑↓↓↑⟩" => 3.0
  fs"|⋅⇅⇅⋅⟩" => 1.0

julia> sum(values(pv))

julia> dot(dest, pv)

julia> dot(dest, op, pv)


When MPI is active, all parallel reductions are automatically reduced across MPI ranks with a call to MPI.Allreduce.

In a distributed setting, PDVec does not support iteration without first making it explicit the iteration is only to be performed on the local segments of the vector. This is done with localpart. In general, even when not using MPI, it is best practice to use localpart when explicit iteration is required.

Use with KrylovKit

PDVec is compatible with eigsolve from KrylovKit.jl. When used, the diagonalisation is performed in a threaded and distributed manner. Using multiple MPI ranks with this method does not distribute the memory load effectively, but does result in significant speedups.


julia> using KrylovKit

julia> add = BoseFS((0,0,5,0,0));

julia> op = HubbardMom1D(add; u=6.0);

julia> pv = PDVec(add => 1.0);

julia> results = eigsolve(op, pv, 4, :SR);

julia> results[1][1:4]
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Parallel functionality

The following functions are threaded MPI-compatible:

  • From Base: mapreduce and derivatives (sum, prod, reduce...), all, any,map! (on values only), +, -, *

  • From LinearAlgebra: rmul!, lmul!, mul!, axpy!, axpby!, dot, norm, normalize, normalize!

  • The full interface defined in VectorInterface


Interface functions

deposit!(w::InitiatorDVec, add, val, p_add=>p_val)

Add val into w at address add as an AbstractInitiatorValue.

deposit!(w::AbstractDVec, add, val, parent::Pair)

Add val into w at address add, taking into account initiator rules if applicable. parent contains the address => value pair from which the pair add => val was created. InitiatorDVec can intercept this and add its own functionality.

storage(dvec) -> AbstractDict

Return the raw storage associated with dvec as an AbstractDict. Used in MPI communication.


Create a "frozen" version of dv which can no longer be modified or used in the conventional manner, but supports faster dot products.

If dv is an MPIData, synchronize its contents among the ranks first.

apply_operator!(working_memory, target, source, operator, boost=1, compress=Val(true)) ->
    stat_names, stats, working_memory, target

Perform a single matrix(/operator)-vector multiplication:

\[v^{(n + 1)} = \hat{T} v^{(n)} ,\]

where $\hat{T}$ is the operator, $v^{(n+1)}$ is the target and $v^{(n)}$ is the source. The working_memory can be used as temporary storage.

The boost argument is passed to apply_column! and increases the number of spawns performed. For the operator to be applied without compressing the vector after, set compress to Val(false).

Whether the operation is performed in a stochastic, semistochastic, or determistic way is controlled by the trait StochasticStyle(target). See StochasticStyle.

Returns the step stats generated by the StochasticStyle, the working memory and the target vector. target and working_memory may be mutated and/or swapped.

sort_into_targets!(target, source, stats) -> target, source, agg_stats

Aggregate coefficients from source to target and from stats to agg_stats according to thread- or MPI-level parallelism.

Returns the new target and source, as the sorting process may involve swapping them.


Supported operations

AbstractDVecs generally support most operations that are defined on Vectors and Dicts. This includes the interface from VectorInterface.jl, and many functions from the LinearAlgebra standard library.

A significant difference between AbstractDVecs, Vectors, and Dicts, is that iteration on them is disabled by default. Iteration must be explicitly performed on keys, values, or pairs, however, it is highly recommended you use mapreduce, reduce, or similar functions when performing reductions, as that will make the operations compatible with MPI.

In addition, Rimu defines the following function.


Compute the walkernumber of the distributed data on every MPI rank with MPI.Allreduce. MPI syncronizing.


Compute the number of walkers in v. It is used for updating the shift. Overload this function for modifying population control.

In most cases walkernumber(v) is identical to norm(v, 1). For AbstractDVecs with complex coefficients it reports the one norm separately for the real and the imaginary part as a ComplexF64. See Norm1ProjectorPPop.



Initiator rules

Initiator(threshold = 1.0) <: InitiatorRule

Initiator rule to be passed to PDVec or InitiatorDVec. An initiator is a configuration add with a coefficient with magnitude abs(v[add]) > threshold. The threshold can be passed as a keyword argument. Rules:

  • Initiators can spawn anywhere.
  • Non-initiators can spawn to initiators.

See InitiatorRule.

SimpleInitiator(threshold = 1.0) <: InitiatorRule

Initiator rule to be passed to PDVec or InitiatorDVec. An initiator is a configuration add with a coefficient with magnitude abs(v[add]) > threshold. The threshold can be passed as a keyword argument. Rules:

  • Initiators can spawn anywhere.
  • Non-initiators cannot spawn.

See InitiatorRule.

CoherentInitiator(threshold = 1.0) <: InitiatorRule

Initiator rule to be passed to PDVec or InitiatorDVec. An initiator is a configuration add with a coefficient with magnitude abs(v[add]) > threshold. The threshold can be passed as a keyword argument. Rules:

  • Initiators can spawn anywhere.
  • Non-initiators can spawn to initiators.
  • Multiple non-initiators can spawn to a single non-initiator if their contributions add up to a value greater than the initiator threshold.

See InitiatorRule.


PDVec internals

Working memory


The working memory that handles threading and MPI distribution for operations that involve operators, such as FCIQMC propagation, operator-vector multiplication and three-way dot products with PDVecs.

The working memory is structured in a series of columns, where each has a number of segments (see PDVec) equal to the number of segments across all MPI ranks. The purpose of this organisation is to allow spawning in parallel without using locks or atomic operations.

The steps performed on a PDWorkingMemory during a typical operation are perform_spawns!, collect_local!, synchronize_remote!, and move_and_compress!.

When used with three-argument dot products, a full copy of the left-hand side vector is materialized in the first column of the working memory on all ranks.

num_columns(w::PDWorkingMemory) -> Int

Number of columns in the working memory. The number of rows is equal to the number of segments in the local rank.

num_rows(w::PDWorkingMemory) -> Int

Number of rows in the working memory. The number of rows is equal to the number of segments accross all ranks.



abstract type Communicator

Communicators are used to handle MPI communication when using PDVecs. Currently, two implementations are provided, NotDistributed, and PointToPoint. The communicator is picked automatically according to the number of MPI ranks available.

When implementing a communicator, use local_segments and remote_segments.


Optional interface

mpi_recv_any!(buf::SegmentedBuffer, comm) -> Int

Find a source that is ready to send a buffer and receive from it. Return the rank ID of the sender.

target_segment(c::Communicator, k, num_segments) -> target, is_local

This function is used to determine where in the PDVec a key should be stored.

If the key is local (stored on the same MPI rank), return its segment index and true. If the key is non-local, return any value and false.

