Example 1: 1D Bose-Hubbard Model

This is an example calculation finding the ground state of a 1D Bose-Hubbard chain with 6 particles in 6 lattice sites.

A runnable script for this example is located here. Run it with julia BHM-example.jl.

First, we load Rimu and Plots.

using Rimu
using Plots

Setting up the model

We start by defining the physical problem. First, we generate an initial configuration which will be used as a starting point of our computation. In this example, we use a bosonic Fock state with 6 particles evenly distributed in 6 lattice sites.

initial_address = near_uniform(BoseFS{6,6})
BoseFS{6,6}(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

The Hamiltonian is constructed by initializing a struct with an initial address and model parameters. Here, we use the Bose Hubbard model in one-dimensional real space.

H = HubbardReal1D(initial_address; u = 6.0, t = 1.0)
HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); u=6.0, t=1.0)

Parameters of the calculation

Now, let's setup the Monte Carlo calculation. We need to decide the number of walkers to use in this Monte Carlo run, which is equivalent to the average one-norm of the coefficient vector. Higher values will result in better statistics, but require more memory and computing power.

targetwalkers = 1_000;

FCIQMC takes a certain number of steps to equllibrate, after which the observables will fluctuate around a mean value. In this example, we will devote 1000 steps to equilibration and take an additional 2000 steps for measurement.

steps_equilibrate = 1_000;
steps_measure = 2_000;
laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure

Next, we pick a time step size. FCIQMC does not have a time step error, but the time step needs to be small enough, or the computation might diverge. If the time step is too small, however, the computation might take a long time to equilibrate. The appropriate time step size is problem-dependent and is best determined through experimentation.

dτ = 0.001;

Defining an observable

Now, let's set up an observable to measure. Here we will measure the projected energy. In additon to the shift, the projected energy is a second estimator for the energy. It usually produces better statistics than the shift.

We first need to define a projector. Here, we use the function default_starting_vector to generate a vector with only a single occupied configuration. We will use the same vector as the starting vector for the FCIQMC calculation.

initial_vector = default_starting_vector(initial_address; style=IsDynamicSemistochastic())
DVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}},Float64} with 1 entry, style = IsDynamicSemistochastic{Float64,ThresholdCompression,DynamicSemistochastic}()
  fs"|1 1 1 1 1 1⟩" => 10.0

The choice of the style argument already determines the FCIQMC algorithm to use. IsDynamicSemistochastic is usually the best choice as it reduces noise and improves the sign problem.

Observables that can be calculated by projection of the fluctuating quantum state onto a constant vector are passed into the lomc! function with the post_step keyword argument.

post_step = ProjectedEnergy(H, initial_vector)
ProjectedEnergy{HubbardReal1D{Float64, BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, 6.0, 1.0}, Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}, Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}}(:vproj, :hproj, HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); u=6.0, t=1.0), Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}(Pair{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}[fs"|1 1 1 1 1 1⟩" => 10.0]), Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}(Pair{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}[fs"|1 1 1 1 2 0⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|0 2 1 1 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 1 1 1 0 2⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 2 0 1 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|2 0 1 1 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 1 1 2 0 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 1 2 0 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 1 0 2 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 1 1 0 2 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|1 0 2 1 1 1⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|2 1 1 1 1 0⟩" => -14.142135623730951, fs"|0 1 1 1 1 2⟩" => -14.142135623730951]))

Running the calculation

In this example, we seed the random number generator in order to get reproducible results. This should not be done for actual computations.

using Random

Finally, we can start the FCIQMC run.

df, state = lomc!(
    H, initial_vector;

Here, df is a DataFrame containing the time series data, while state contains the internal state of FCIQMC, which can be used to continue computations.

Analysing the results

We can plot the norm of the coefficient vector as a function of the number of steps.

    label="targetwalkers", xlabel="steps", ylabel="norm",
    color=2, linestyle=:dash, margin = 1Plots.cm
plot!(df.steps, df.norm, label="norm", color=1)

After an initial equilibriation period, the norm fluctuates around the target number of walkers.

Now, let's look at using the shift to estimate the ground state energy of H. The mean of the shift is a useful estimator of the energy. Calculating the error bars is a bit more involved as autocorrelations have to be removed from the time series. This can be done with the function shift_estimator, which performs a blocking analysis.

se = shift_estimator(df; skip=steps_equilibrate)
  mean = -4.028 ± 0.028
  with uncertainty of ± 0.0025028718411415646
  from 62 blocks after 5 transformations (k = 6).

Here, se contains the calculated mean and standard errors of the shift, as well as some additional information related to the blocking analysis.

Computing the error of the projected energy is a bit more complicated, as it's a ratio of fluctuating variables. Thankfully, the complications are handled by the following function.

pe = projected_energy(df; skip=steps_equilibrate)
RatioBlockingResult{Float64,MonteCarloMeasurements.Particles{Float64, 2000}}
  ratio = -4.01631 ± (0.00212832, 0.00206379) (MC)
  95% confidence interval: [-4.02062, -4.01212]) (MC)
  linear error propagation: -4.01637 ± 0.00215589
  |δ_y| = |0.00243897| (≤ 0.1 for normal approx)
  Blocking successful with 15 blocks after 7 transformations (k = 8).

The result is a ratio distribution. We extract its median and the edges of the 95% confidence interval.

v = val_and_errs(pe; p=0.95)
(val = -4.016314467689392, val_l = 0.004304544683139788, val_u = 0.00419639764247659)

Let's visualise these estimators together with the time series of the shift.

plot(df.steps, df.shift, ylabel="energy", xlabel="steps", label="shift", margin = 1Plots.cm)

plot!(x->se.mean, df.steps[steps_equilibrate+1:end], ribbon=se.err, label="shift mean")
    x -> v.val, df.steps[steps_equilibrate+1:end], ribbon=(v.val_l,v.val_u),
    label="projected energy",
lens!([steps_equilibrate, laststep], [-5.1, -2.9]; inset=(1, bbox(0.2, 0.25, 0.6, 0.4)))

In this case the projected energy and the shift are close to each other and the error bars are hard to see.

The problem was just a toy example, as the dimension of the Hamiltonian is rather small:


In this case, it's easy (and more efficient) to calculate the exact ground state energy using standard linear algebra. Read more about Rimu's capabilities for exact diagonalisation in the example "Exact diagonalisation".

using LinearAlgebra
exact_energy = eigvals(Matrix(H))[1]

We finish by comparing our FCIQMC results with the exact computation.

    Energy from $steps_measure steps with $targetwalkers walkers:
    Shift: $(se.mean) ± $(se.err)
    Projected Energy: $(v.val) ± ($(v.val_l), $(v.val_u))
    Exact Energy: $exact_energy

Energy from 2000 steps with 1000 walkers:
Shift: -4.027923810504714 ± 0.027645123065160745
Projected Energy: -4.016314467689392 ± (0.004304544683139788, 0.00419639764247659)
Exact Energy: -4.0215024069064915

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